Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Arguing a Position Discussion

Arguing a Position Discussion

Q Read Nicholas Carr’s “Is Google Making Us Stupid (Links to an external site.)?” and answer the following questions by Friday. 1. What is your first impression of this article? Reply with your first thoughts? 2. What is your first impression of the author? Remember, this article was written in 2008? 3. How many times a week do you use Google? How about in a day? 4. Does Nicholas Carr make valid points about our dependence on the Internet and Google? 5. How does Google enhance our ability to communicate, research, and carry on our day to day activities? 6. Are we dependent upon Google? Give some pros and cons to our use of Google? Be honest. Could you be as smooth an operator, as we all know you are, without Google? Imagine life without Google or any other digital tool…life without a smartphone. Be intelligent with your comments and back the up. Respond to two peers by Friday, using complete sentences and specific examples. Note, you must post before you can view other replies.

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1) Yes, Maybe! But more than that, it has opened new ways to today's generation to explore new things just on a single tap. From my perspective, at least for 85 percent, Google is helping and guiding us and the whole world. 2) After reading the author's thoughts on "Is Google making us stupid?", it makes sense. For one thing, even I feel bad for what impact does google has made is digital reading. Most part of the world has forgotten traditional reading. I feel bad for this because I love to read the book and to read from computer screens.